Dienstag, 5. November 2013

Connichi 2013 - Perona

Hey hey ^_^

It's a long time ago since I visited the Connichi in Kassel, nevertheless I want to report about it.
It was the first time for me and it was hm.. i don't know how to say but..not really special xD It was just another Anime Convention^^ 
We didn't bought a inside-ticket and just took some photos in the park next to the con building.
Actually I wanted to cosplay Shirahoshi once again but the weather was too bad and cold. 
So I cosplayed Perona and Thiemo, as my cosplay partner Kumasy (Bärsy).
We still had a lot of fun and a nice weekend ^_^ ...
 Except of sunday -_- On sunday we traveled to the netherlands sea,to make a movie for our youtube channel.. but it was so so soo WINDY ! It was horrible >.< ! Our whole camera equipment was full of sand and everything was blown away. Even my fake eyelashes xD !!
 Anyway.. I don't want to go to sea anymore image 
 In the end we took lunch in our car ._. 

Well here are some photos: 

Funniest pic ever xDD !

Finally I want to show you the only two photos we could took at the sea.

See you next time ;3


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3 Kommentare:

  1. Aber du hast auch noch nicht die Fotos von den Fotografen, oder? D;
    Die haben sooo geile Fotos gemacht, aber ich krieg auch einfach keine Antwort mehr... xD

    1. Achso, und ich fand der Sonntag hat zumindest starken Erinnerungswert xDDD

    2. Ja der Fotograf is echt doof T_T ich hab den schon total lange genervt.. aber jetzt hab ich auch kein Bock mehr dem hinterher zu rennen. Ich wollte den post ja auch erst hochladen wenn ich die Fotos hab.. aber ich glaube dann wäre er nächstes jahr auch noch nicht oben xD Und ja, an diesen beschissenen Sonntag werde ich mich immer erinnern xDD
